Facial Treatment for Uneven Tone : Before and After

Facial Treatment for Uneven Tone Reduction : Before and After Pic

Facial Before After Brampton

Do you have uneven tone on your face and you are looking for a facial service that can help you reduce the issues with either pigmentation or skin redness or uneven tones throughout the face. With facial from Kriti, you can see results starting from the very first treatment and with regular treatments, you will see your face glowing and your facial skin achieving a healthier and brightened glow. Whether its a sun damage or the harmones causing the issue, with our customized facials, you can see a reduction in those uneven skin texture and achieve a skin that you would love to see in the mirror.

To book your appointment, Call us at (647) 479-9818

Makeup in the Month of May

Here are few makeups from the month of may, more to be accompanied soon as the month end is not yet there. Also if you want to book an appointment for your makeup, call or Whatsapp Kriti today.

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